General Information
When you create a web page, a word document, a PowerPoint, a spreadsheet make sure you create a meaningful title for your item.
Why are page titles important?
- Screen readers announce the page and slide titles when they load web pages, documents and presentations.
- Provides visual text of a site’s name on mouse-over on site’s tab in a web browser.
- A good page title helps orient users to the content of the page or document.
- A good title helps users understand, a POUR principle.
How to Create good page titles
Page titles should be brief, clear, informative, and unique.
Additional Thoughts
A webpage or excel spreadsheet sheet title allows users to easily see and learn the item’s content. Besides screen readers reading aloud the titles, sighted users can see the title when they hover a mouse over the your page or sheet tab. When I created this capstone, I named this page “Accessible Page Titles” so users would be able to easily know what the content of the page contained.
While not a text title, some web site designers also include an image, a “favicon” to help identify their site. For this capstone I created a “favicon” of the site’s banner image, the Brooklyn Bridge span, to assist users who can perceive the site visually in finding the site in a crowded web browser with many tabs open.
NEXT PAGE: Accessible Layout